The sea devil in Egypt

Panic arose in the Egyptian resort of Hurghada due to the appearance of the closest biological relative of the shark – the sea devil – not far from the shoreline. The fin of this animal can be seen from the water and its outline is very similar to that of a shark. Therefore, when people vacationing on the shore and swimming in the Red Sea noticed an animal similar to a shark, it caused them a strong fright. Later, with the help of specialists, having realized that the animal belongs to a suborder of stingrays, vacationers calmed down.
What caused the appearance of this large animal within the coastline remains a mystery.
Egyptian scientists and experts reassured people, explaining that the manta is a peaceful animal, though of considerable size. It feeds exclusively on plankton and small fish and does not attack people. There was also published an explanation of scientists – experts that the manta ray is a natural enemy of sharks, and the preservation of this species is necessary to maintain the ecological balance in the Red Sea.
In appearance, the sea devil resembles a bat. Wingspan up to seven meters. Appeared on Earth about 370 million years ago and belong to the class of cartilaginous fish. These stingrays are peaceful, lack a spike at the end of the tail, usually swim in large groups and are considered one of the most intelligent aquatic animals.

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