“Offensive names” for tourists

“Typical tourists” in many European countries may hear unpleasant words, sometimes very offensive. This is especially true for travelers who drink too much alcohol, which is often an irritant to locals.
One such Spanish word is “guiri” (guiri), which has its origin in the word “giri”, which in Basque means “blond” or “fair-skinned”. There are similar words of designation for European travelers both in Thailand “farang” and in China “laowai. The Spanish, referring to English-speaking travelers, most often use the word “guiri” as the researchers – linguists from Britain came to this conclusion. They use these words to refer to those guests who go away to travel to “hang out”, disregarding the local laws and regulations. Usually such guests drink alcohol in large quantities, use foul language, and disrespect local residents and the laws adopted in the country. Such behavior is also perceived negatively by fellow countrymen, who feel ashamed of the behavior of “reckless” fellow citizens.

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