Amber Museum in Vilnius

Amber Museum in Vilnius

The “sunny” exhibition opened in the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius at the end of the twentieth century. It is located in a beautiful mansion, built in the seventeenth century in the Baroque style.

Amber has been known for a long time, it is a frozen resin of Northern European pine trees, it appeared on the land of the Baltic for about 50 million years.

There is a legend that centuries ago, in the depths of the Baltic waters, in a palace made of “sun stone” lived a beautiful goddess – Yurate, who broke the law by falling in love with a simple fisherman and entering into a romantic relationship with him. The supreme gods were enraged and razed the palace of Yurate to the ground. To this day, pieces of this amber, as well as the petrified tears of the goddess in love, are found on the Baltic.

The exhibits of the museum of golden stone have a variety of shapes and sizes, there are stones with frozen inside leaves and insects, and the most precious is – amber with a shell.

The museum has a store where you can buy products made of the “sun stone” as jewelry, and in the form of paintings and amulets. A certificate is issued for all products, which confirms that the product is genuine and was purchased legally.

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