Thailand National Park News

Thailand National Park News

Moo Ko Lanta National Park, located on the island of Lanta Yairada delighted guests with fish waves. Large numbers of small fish just jump out of the water and flood park guests who are on the bridge, crossing to the pier or back. It is an amazing sight for the people who watch this phenomenon, but the participants of this show have to experience a few unpleasant moments.

The locals call these fish “Ta Mau,” or cat’s eye fish. Habitat fish – the coastal strip, where it is shallow and the water is well heated. For some unknown reason, periodically the fish jump out onto the land and then they are collected en masse and used to fertilize the soil and for cooking. This usually occurs during spawning, presumably because moving a dense wall of fish, suffering from lack of oxygen.

The park is a place where time stops, there is silence, peace and pristine nature everywhere, although the tourist infrastructure is quite developed. There is also a lighthouse on the island. In the park you can meet a variety of animals in their natural habitat, so you should be careful, ride elephants through the wild jungle, admire waterfalls and visit scenic caves.

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